Trip to Doctor for Mr. Q
Transcribed by Honey B Wackx
Wednesday Sept 3, 2008
Yesterday we took Mr. Q to his regular doctor. We had a horrible time with him the long weekend as he choked on his mucus that he has been spitting out heavily the last few days.
The Doctor examined him and said he had an infection in his lungs. In passing I have mentioned several times Mr. Q almost never does as we ask. That holds true for anyone else most of the time. At the doctor’s office he was as quiet as usual. Not a word from him the whole time.
The doctor asked him to breath deeply, but Mr. Q didn’t and didn’t acknowledge or respond to anything the doctor said.
As a point of reference Mr Q. has dementia and was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. After seeing a neurologist there is some question as to whether he really has Alzheimer’s disease. That’s because Mr. Q is deteriorating so rapidly. However that verdict is still out. Mr. Q had a CAT Scan recently, but nothing showed up. He also had an EEG, but the results won’t be known until about three weeks from now.
Mr. Q was given a shot (in his behind) for his infection. That was no problem. In fact there was no problem with him the whole time we were gone to the doctor. However, there was one little glitch. He wet his pants sometime either during the car trip (20 minutes) and standing in the doctor’s office. Too bad, and he went to the bathroom and did his business right before we stepped out the door to leave for the doctor’s office. We have gotten used to expecting something from him. He didn’t disappoint us with the wetting, but pleased us with how nice he behaved the whole time. Sometimes its a struggle.
Thursday Sept 4, 2008 7:22 pm
Today and last night Mr. Q did not have problems with spitting. The shot definitely helped.
Thursday Sept 4, 2008 11:02 pm
I spoke too soon. Mr. Q was grumbling in the bed. The bathroom happen to be occupied and I got a bag for him to spit in. All was going well until he started grabbing the bag. First one hand. While I struggled to remove his hand he grabbed the bag with the other hand. We fought – me trying to get the bag with his phlegm and mucus in it, him just to be grabbing it. Naturally I lost, and the bag got ripped up in the process. Needless to say what was in the bag got all over everywhere.
By then the bathroom was empty – but too late to have prevented the resulting mess. Mr. Q went into the bathroom and for the next twenty minutes three of us tried to convince him to cough up the remaining mucus, but to no avail. He doesn’t know to cough or does not understand what we mean anymore.
Only some of it came out since all we could do was get him to gargle and spit some of it out. It would have been so simple to clear all of it if only Mr. Q could cough. We have not been able to get him to cough the semi-fluids up since he has had this problem the past couple of months. Initially he would cough most of it up in his own mild-mannered way, but no more. Those days seem to be over.
Mr. Q went back to bed at 11:25 pm. Hope that’s it for tonite, but I wouldn’t want to bet on it.
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