7 Stages of Alzheimer’s – 2


Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s disease (part 2)

By Honey B Wackx

Seven Stages..(part 1)


Stage 5 (Middle-Stage/Moderate Alzheimer’s)

This is what doctors describe as moderate Alzheimer’s disease. The individual will not only forget other people but also be unable to recall certain facts about themselves. There will also be periods of disorientation. Decreased judgment and skills in regard to personal care will be noticeable.

Stage 6 (Moderate to Late-Stage/Severe Alzheimer’s)

Here there will already be mood swings. The person may be happy one minute then a minute later appear hostile. There will also be incontinence just like a baby who is not yet toilet trained. Memory continues to decline. Assistance is required for most daily activities. Some common symptoms include:

  • Reduced awareness of one’s surroundings and of recent events
  • Repetitive behavior (including verbal)
  • Sundowning – increased restlessness in the late afternoon and evening
  • Problems recognizing their spouse and other close family members
  • Difficulty using the bathroom independently
  • Bowel and bladder incontinence
  • Wandering

Stage 7 (Late-Stage/Severe Alzheimer’s)

The seventh and final stage is called severe Alzheimer’s. The individual will not be able to speak much and do anything anymore. The patient will probably just stare into space so there will be times that those around will have to carry and force feed to be able to stay alive.

Alzheimer’s disease happens gradually. The only thing that can be done is slow down the process before it gets to the succeeding stage by using drugs and giving proper care to the patient.

As the patient’s condition gets worse, there is a tendency for the person to no longer be treated as a person but merely as a subject with the disorder. Do not let this happen. You must remember that the individual at this point in life has a lifetime of accomplishments and never wanted this to happen to them.

Those who have family members who are suffering from this disease should learn about the various stages to be able to understand what the patient is going through in order to give the proper help. Read books and get information on the web. There are also many support groups available since this disease affects not only the patient but also those who have to live with someone with Alzheimer’s disease or other caregivers who may care for them.

About the Author

Honey B. likes hair styles – visit http://hairstyleholiday.com. Her online dating site http://unlonely.comhas relationship articles. Her articles are often posted on http://15hwy.com.


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