Sleep all Day?


Sleep all Day?

Transcribed by Honey B Wackx

Sunday, May 18, 2008

After his daily exercise when the residents watch TV Mr. Q just would not stay still. It seems like he was up and down from the sofa at least twenty or thirty times in the next couple of hours. Possibly half the time he would try to sneak into his bedroom and get in bed. I would almost surely get a headache trying to keep track of him so I just gave up and hoped he wouldn’t do anything drastically wrong.

Mr. Q ate half his lunch, but it took a lot of prompting and me standing next to him to get him to sit down long enough to eat. After lunch he snuck outside. When my son looked out the window Mr. Q had just pis.ed in an old coffee pot. I ran outside in time to see him pouring it into one of the flower pots. I guess that flower will get sick and die shortly.

I had thrown two away before when I caught him doing the same thing and wondered how and where Mr. Q was able to find another coffee pot. As mentioned before, those were used by one of the residents when she was a heavy chain smoker. She is not allowed to smoke in the house so she made up for it big-time by smoking outside every chance she got. That was months ago – she quit smoking [with help] and I have no idea where Mr. Q found her old “ashtray” since I never saw it.

The rest of the day was uneventful.

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