3 Easy Dementia Days

Three Easy Alzheimer’s – Dementia Days: More to come?

Transcribed by Honey B Wackx

It’s hard to believe, but I think this makes three days of relief from the earlier days of this week. Mr. Q was almost a model resident until after dinner. Oh I forgot to mention I was gone for several hours.

Sometime during that time he had problems with staying out of the bed.

He was giving the caretaker a hard time by having to make up the bed several times after he messed it up by getting in when he should have been eating or exercising.

However aside from that, not too bad. I think the only real frustrating part I saw was him refusing to listen to Laureta when she was asking him to do something. He ignored her so many times when she asked him to do something, but there were no problems with him grabbing her or any clothing.

At bedtime he messed up the bed when he was supposed to get in to go to sleep. He grabbed the covers and wouldn’t let go. I walked in and asked him what he was doing. As usual silence, dead silence. A little talking and persuasion finally got him to accept it was time to go to bed. This after he had been looking at the clock many times wanting to go to bed.

All in all it was not a bad day. The few problems were nothing compared to what occurs sometimes. Could it be Mr. Q is going to be a model Alzheimer’s resident? We have had several, all with problems, but only Mr. Q would grab the caretaker when he did not get his way. That’s not as bad as before so maybe he is learning to be more calm when he does not get his way.

That’s it for tonite – cross my fingers. He went to bed about 40 minutes ago and has not gotten up so far. I don’t expect problems tonite as we have had few problems the previous nights.

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