An Easy Dementia Resident Day
Transcribed by Honey B Wackx
Today, Saturday, was an easy day for Mr. Q. Not too many problems. It started with some easy to solve problems in the morning with him not wanting to go to the table for breakfast. He seemed out of it. That’s fairly typical lately. I had to coerce him to go to the table, then stand there to make sure he did not get up.
He did drink a lot more liquids today, which is real good for him. There were some minor problems with him disobeying, or rather ignoring whatever we told him to do or not to do. That’s becoming the norm now. He routinely ignores almost everything we say. That’s a real problem and causes problems for the other residents sometimes.
He still has a serious problem of trying to go into the bathroom when others are in there. In addition he must go there at least 50 or more times each day, mostly spitting in the sink or toilet. The doctor said his slavory glands were overactive and that was common for some older folks. We did have some sample pills to reduce or stop that, but that caused more mental problems and even greater (if possible) disobedience of what we ask him to do.
Sometime this evening when he went to the bathroom he pis.ed all over the bathroom floor. Then another time he pis.ed in the sink. Don’t know where he is getting that from. We do have a urinal for him to use if the bathroom is occupied, but he didn’t ask. Mr. Q has a habit of going to the bathroom whenever someone is in there. It almost never fails. That is partly because he goes there so many times daily.
He went to bed a little late because I could not get him to go to bed at bedtime. He must have asked about going to bed at least twenty times, but when it was really time to go he totally ignored me when I tried to get him to go. Same for Laureta. Finally I got irritated and led him to the bathroom to do his business, brush his teeth, then I guided him to the bed. He didn’t want to get in the bed, but I put him in bed. He sure is heavy when I have to lift him up to get him to the center of the bed. He used to move there himself, but now – no. He will likely fall out the bed if I don’t make sure he is in the middle of the bed.
He has been in bed three hours now and I hope he does not get up. He did once a few minutes after he went to bed. He didn’t have to do anything, but seemed lost so I guided him back to bed. Hope that is it for tonight.
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